November 19, 2010
nak ceta sal sem dua nih really2 hope that i can do better in my sem2 as i noe that sem 2 aku mmg terok..aku blajar dah x sistemetik...ak akn pastikan idop aku terator...duit????mmg msalah besar kpada aku..xpe2 aku akn bertahan dngan duit2 yang aku ada...sian kat mak aku asek abehkan duit gaji dy kat ank2 ja...ak amat kasihan kan mak akuu yang aku wakilkan kepada simbol ibu misali..
adik aku yang aku wakilkan kepada simbol makanan mmg mlas...asek bermain fb ja cuti nih..bukan nak stadi...tapi ak tau dy bley buatnya lam spm nnt...kakak aku plak yang dapat aku simbolkan pada simbol handset pon turot bercuti pada kali ini...tapi aku ja kna balik awai...why2???
ohh...magrib dah masok dan mak aku yang aku simbolkan pada simbol ibu misali telah mengarahkan aku smbahyang...okay sape2 yang tersinggah belog ini harap2 korang boleylah doakan kjayaan aku pada sem du ini...brapa la ponter aku ha???agak scary memikirkannya..brpa pon dapat aku terima dengan redha nya kerana aku tau sumanaya berpunca dari kesilapan aku endiri...kay aku ke bilik air dulu untuk mngambil air smbahyang(agak bagus penggunaan bahasa melayuku)
November 7, 2010
ade aku kesah????
hahaha....mmg ido aku cmgini pon..tmbah2 tyme exam....mmg x smpat aku nak tengok(BUSY STUDY LA KONON)....mgkin roomete aku pon dah biasa ngn keadaan dri aku cmni...haha...jgn engat baju2 kat ats tu x basoh kay...i basoh cme x smpat nak lipat...but da thing is WATPER NAK LIPAT...SATGI NAK PKAI GAK AN!!!...HAHAHa....
mmg hari2 aku akn bngon lam kul 7...haha smbyg sboh pon kul 7...sian roomete aku...gerak cam nak gilerr...pastu stat la hari2 aku...stdy2 stdy...wwaaaaa,...mmg nescafe ngn milo SAHABAT BAEK AKU..tanpa mereka aku msti mata aku kurang tbukak...nak ckap pe lgi...ntah...malas lak nak tuleh...nnt la aku smbg lagi ....aku MALAS...
September 4, 2010
first tyme in my life..
August 27, 2010
kejiwa kosonggan
lala ckap nk wat runion bdak2 taiping...wush amat ghairah ak nak join..rndu terutama klasmet aku..tapi nak ke dorang jmpe ak...ak je smngat lebey2...ishh..sunyi doh skrang...hari2 ak ngan buku2 je...adoi bosan2...minggu depan for sure ak xkan ade smangat nak belajo...sbb hati aku dah de kat umahh...nak raya....huhuuuu....sayu....hati ini makin sayu....rndu terkenangkan desa permai...wajah ayah bunda bermain di mata...lalal~~~...
uhu...seminggu lagi..x sabar nak jmpe adik aku kakak aku...mak aku...kucin2 aku...uhuu..
balik kg msti bosan...tapi xpe ak harus mnggembirakan diri...yuhuu...
apehal budak2 kat bawah nyh bising sngat....aku nak online pon x tenang....tadi g smayang teraweh ngan nabihah ngan syuk..benci betol ngan budak sblah aku tu..dah ler pelik...smayang pon nak langgar2 bahu aku...benci tol..membara je ak solat tadi...
tyme nak exam hri tu nak tdo sngat mta aku nyh...skrang x nak tutop plak...hei mata2....esok de jati diri ....mlas nyer ak nak xpe ak ley tdo tyme tu...syok gak bole men senam2 pelik2 tuh...ak jeles do kat ummu dy beli baju rya sme ngan pkwe dy...ahaha...mngada pulak aku pagi2 nyh...
August 20, 2010
x TutOriaLmatE sEkaLiAN x
ensem x budak nyh???...hahaha....nme dy IKHWAN....selengee seyh....klu tngok rmbut dy..pergh msti orang engat de bau2 bacang ngan alleycats...har3...tapi sekang ada macho siket ble dah potong rmbut dy...smpai trmimpi2 aku tngok rmbut bru dy haritu...ex lenggong dy nyh...sblah kelas aku je dlu...
nyh....yang kat depan tu ZAKARIA NAWI...@yaya....ak mmg minat ah nme bpak dy ...mmg masuk ngn nme dy...ak pngil dy nawi je kot...ala2 mawi gitu...ade sorang grl klas ak mmg obses ah ngn bdak nyh...dan nme bdak tu amat dirahsiakan...yang blakang dy tuh hISHAM...@SI KOSONG....mke dy lebey kurang watak si kosong yang kawan dengan BEPOP dalm mjalah gempak tuh...bijak dy nyh....tengok dari gambar nyh pon da boleh nmpak kebijakan dy...rajin plak tuh(jangan bngga sngat kalw terbaca komen aku nyh..nak jge ati je).....
oho....dah smpai turn dak pompuan lak...nyh la sebhagian nyer...sori xdpt letak gamba sorang2...nt padat sudah belog ak nyh...yang paling kiri tu nme bliaw NABIHAH...panggil BIEe...otai wa kasi tau lu...mmg klau dy cakap sebatu boleh dngar...obses ngan crocs hijaunya.conjugate pair untk Bie adalah SYUKRIAH..(diapit oleh tudung biru dan baju kuning)..mmg rapat deme nyh..pastu yang paling kanan tu HIZZATUL SYAFFINA...sepet matanya...bilik tepi toilet....ak agak rapat ngan 3 orang nyh klaw nak dbndingkan ngn lain2 tu....boleh masyuk do ngan bdak2 yang x brapa ckup umo nyh...yang baju kunin tu plak nme dy AMIRA adnan kot...xpasti nme bpak dy...rmai skndal dy ler ktekan....hahaha
August 19, 2010
mte aku rse berat....nak tido???no2222...nanti bangun msti aku engat kat mak aku...ahh...miss my mum...petang kang nak g bazar...tapi ak rse x brapa xcted...hurm...nanti ah aku coret lagi kat sini...seems no mood...ok daa
August 14, 2010
cHERita NASIk lEmak....
July 9, 2010
June 22, 2010
dear life..
June 12, 2010
June 11, 2010
my DAy...toDayY..
then i start make a overall view on my half complete tutorial...seems i can't complete them all in a short time as it so complicated and make me hungry...hush..then i start with calculus...just imagine i start at 7am until 11am for just 9 question...stupid derrhh..lastly...i just take a short nap..but my nap was endless...ima contact lens girl come over my room..nak ajak sharply on 1pm we have a lovely lunch as all the boys pegi smayng jumaat,we can make that cafe as ours..har3....almost one hour having our lunch...chatting n tenggok in heaven although xde la best pon...har3..
then continue with biology after completing(3/4)of my tutorial task...waha...and i feel so happy as not me the only girl y xtawu psal all these thing...then ima datang lagi..follow by my balkony neighbour...n last by ummu...tetibe ummu mngeluarkan kisah silam which make me refresh all those black case ...dush3...mlam ny i feel bcelaru gila as i feel i can't face a pack schedule next week...but i hope to be ok....
June 4, 2010
asasian life
....pasum??pusat asasi sains universiti malaya...a simple,no gate universiti..
....bule kluar masok ikot suke hati n kaki...
....ade tasik depan kolej for date actually....
...bule nmpak kl tower....n so on..
my new life start here...but this just for a year...hopefully i can further study in medic faculty...
life so simple here..but really tough with study...but deep in my heart, i miss my family n of course my cat, i get a new love maybe..har3...oke, i've no time....time to sleep...bye..
May 15, 2010
hepi teacher's day....
May 5, 2010 was my bfday...aha...having a simple day just perfect for me..but it seems so 6.30a.m ,i've woke up n get ready to my mum kindergarten..wah,my mum had a suprise for me...rupa2nya dah da birthday cake there..har3...amek la saki baki cake y tnggai today i celebrate birthday ngan budak tadika jelah..not bad..
May 3, 2010
my becoming birthday....tomorrow
so excited about birthday is just around da corner..har..actually nothing is special about my im alone celebrating my usual for every year..nway...
tomorrow,i really hope to have just oke...but more is dreaming...
May 2, 2010
happy for a while
yesterday is quite interesting day for lastly upu rsult keluar...n alhamdullilah i get asasi sains hayat universiti last im happy with this result..thanks god!!! mum really happy as she really wants me to be her idol allahyarham sudirman n aznil had study there..har3..but smalam quite frust as some of my friends had know their result but i know a little bit late as computer jam larh..oho..last week i feel so frust..i can't folow trip to taiping sentral with all friend..kire reunion gitu..xpe larh..maybe xde rzeki kan..
okeyh...about today..pagi2 lagi i dah siap nak klua..x pg mna pon ..just kdai usual every sunday morning msti bli others say newspaper is like hot coffee in the morning..yummy..then i enter supermarket nearby..then my mum say just take what i want..than i grab kit kat..a cadburry..sneakers n coki2 for happy..ahaa
April 28, 2010
att - Any time today
afaik - As far as I know
afk - Away from the keyboard
aka - Also known as
asap - As soon as possible
b4 - Before
bbl - Be back later
bfn - Bye for now
brb - Be right back
btw - By the way
cio - Check it out
cul8r - See you later
cya - See ya (goodbye)
dltm - Dont lie to me
f2f - Face to face
fwiw - For what its worth
fyi - For your information
gg - Good game
gl - Good luck
gmta - Great minds think alike
gr8 - Great
gtg - Got to go
gtgb - Got to go bye
gtsy Glad to see you
hth - Hope this helps
idky - I dont know you
idst - I didn't say that
idts - I don't think so
imo - In my opinion
iow - In other words
irl - In real life
kit - Keep in touch
L8r - Later
lol - Laughing out loud
lmao - laughing my @$$ off
Lmao- laughing my @rse off
m/f - Male or female
np - No problem
nw - No way
oic - Oh I see
ootb - Out of the blue
plz- Please
pls - Please
rotfl - Rolling on the floor laughing
rtm - Read the manual
roflmfao - rolling on the floor laughing my fuc*ing @$$ off
roflmao - rolling on the floor laughing my @$$ off
sol - Sooner or later
ttfn - Ta ta for now
ttt - To the top
tx - Thanks
ty - Thank you
wb - Welcome back
wys - Whatever you say
wysiwyg - What you see is what you get
yw - You're welcome
April 26, 2010 i feel that facebook is no more interesting social utilities for me as every day days n night asek main menatang nyh ja..quite bored at home again n again..n everytime i on9..the same story wii appear..the same story..same chat buddy..wekk..nk muntah..
..days by days i feel nothing in my life is useful..including me..har3..dont know why...mmhh..ok i want to change my life..chane..change..yeah..hopefully..coming soon
April 20, 2010
iklim :aduhai seribu kali sayang
Terpaksa melepaskan
Cintamu yang serapuh
Dahan nan kering usang
Yang akhirnya kan patah
Terhempa gemeretap
Oh sungguh memilukan
Tak dapat ku bayangkan
Seribu kali sayang
Sangkaku kan ke mati
Cerita kasih kita
Rupanya seketika
Setelah merelakan
Setelah kau bisikkan
Segugus janji-janji
Tergamak kau mungkiri
Apakah sebenar yang terjadi
Hingga kau bersikap demikian
Sedangkan kau
Sesungguhnya percaya
Kasihku tak berbelah bagi
( korus )
Tak sanggup ku kenangkan
Semua telah nyata
Cintamu gurauan
Datang dan hilang
Semahu hatimu
Itulah falsafah
Pegangan cintamu
Namun harus kau ingat
Hati yangmanakah
Selamanya kan sabar
April 16, 2010
...last day,having a trip to lata tebing tinggi@laketOwn selama..quite interesting and enjoyable evening trip..har3..but the funny is,i don't really prepare and all was tangkap muat..har3..ttibe je kne terjah ngan ain...cilakebabehh..actually at first my mum don't agree last minute plan..but at last she lose..har3..
...soon i'll joining the hundred of school leavers entering the world of the adults..childhood seems to have lasted such a short time and i wish that could last longer ..but impossible larhh...the next phase of my life will require that i choose a career ,at least some kind of employment ,but this was the scariest phase..
but dulu i'm not i'm not inclined towards any career in particular..scatterbrain..most of my friend know exactly what they will study and what they want to do in the future..but not me..har3..but now i've divulge with all this stuff...
alhamdullilah..dulu anything seems all right to me..however after thinking and again i've consider my mom and i'll try not to displease her..
ok now..chow
April 13, 2010
lEstari~Cinta ItU kEtaWa dAn aiR mAta...
Itu sebenarnya cinta
Kalau kau sedih pasti ku rasa
Begitu sebaliknya
Ku senang engkau cemburu
Itu tanda kau sayangiku
Baru kau takut kehilanganku
Begitu juga aku
Ku juga suka bila kau curiga
Itu mengajarku erti setia
Apa pun sikapmu aku terima
Asalkan ada kebaikan
Walaupun sering kau ku tinggalkan
Itu tiada bermakna
Kau ku abaikan
Memang sesekali sikapmu
Membuat aku jemu
Hingga kau takku pedulikan
Untuk menyedarkan
Belum pernah ada cinta
Di dalam kehidupan manusia
Sepanjang masa bahagia
Tanpa air mata...
April 11, 2010
kUcEng akU BuntEng lagii...
livE chaNgEss....
...dulu jugak,i'm really a negative person is so hard for me to think in a positive way..i'll think badly to nefarious and nescient people..lagi2, orang yang ada buat haram jadah ngan ak..mmg kne la ngan mulot lazer ak nyhh.. more,i mmg hate good person..especially jack of all trade boy..why they always show their kindness..niceness..politeness???..huh..rimas..actually i know they're good pretender..if girl ,they'll pretending in front boy..vice versa..
...for me bad is just nice what..hate to be niggle it just wasting of time and energy..
but now , i've change a lot now..har3..positive thinker..n love fogiveness..
now,i nk jadi more i want to explore that boleh pretending like others..har3 all x rsa ka hypocryte tu the most important aspect in life???...its really true..actully all of us are good actor/actress...although x msok dunia front our friend..teachers..parents..boyfriend/girlfriend..or maybe gay or lesbian partner..har3..we will act lain2 kan...!! jom jadi hypocryte as this will help us kan2..ok la..chow...
April 10, 2010
April 8, 2010
LifE iS pErfeCt if..
- i 've lots of money..purse sntiasa thick with money..
- rich and understanding family..
- lots of happening friends
- being love..
- can do anything we want and buy all stuff at supermarket
- travel all around the world with family or bf
- can eat whatever we want and seronoknyer bila berat badan x naik..
- get best result in every test n especially tyme kne praise ngan teachers n friends..
- huge house..comfortable room..ada tv,air cond..maid..ogawa machine..har3
- ramai peminat..
mimpi yang sempurna..
Pada bintang-bintang
Dan bila ku mulai merasa
bahasa kesunyian
Sadarkan aku yang berjalan
Dalam kehampaan
Terdiam, terpana, terbata
Semua dalam keraguan
Aku dan semua yang terluka karena kita
Aku kan menghilang
dalam pekat malam
Lepas ku melayang
Biarlah ku bertanya
pada bintang-bintang
Tentang arti kita
dalam mimpi yang sempurna
the most meaningful and memorable song for me..sometimes,our life will face many stage of life..and sometimes its seem so nice and tetap ada y make us changeng..har3..hari2 nak emo..hri nyh nak hapy2 lak ler..maybe esok i nak balik kampong..ade knduri ape ntah..just follow the flow..
...last day i watch a drama at astro,KITA..quite interesting story...about students' life..this make me sad and at the same time terkenang kisah lama kat skola lu..dah la main actress hot2..ok i must go now,nk pegi kdai jap..byee
April 7, 2010
daily taurus horoscope-7th April,2010
Your 2010 Unique Opportunities!
LakEtOwn tRip..
....hoo..tomorrow,my day will be bored as trip ble plak???..
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow..lovely quotes,i had used this quotes since i started my day at mrsm really helpful..we must learn all things in every aspect from our experiences..and all the experiences come from YESTERDAY..right??live for today..and i will always hoping to be the best for tomorrow..but the best is YESTERDAY...
all my troubles seemed so far away,
now it looks as though they're here to stay
oh,i believe in yesterday..
i'm not half the man i used to be,
there's a shadow hangging over me
oh ,yesterday came suddenly
love was such an easy game to play
now i need a place to hide away,
oh,i believe in yesterday...
i luv this song...har3
April 6, 2010
life after spm...
some say that "my mind has no boundaries,it can think whatever it wants"but i'm not agree with this statement as some people has their experience..more or less..people with more ex will have lots of idea..arghh matilaaa...
this morning i had started my day with bowl of ice cream..does its mean breakfast for u????hahh...xkesa la..this is my first breakfast for this everyday i slalu amek brunch je(breakfast+lunch) is so bored for me..dlu,while still kat je task y kne syapkan..lots of members..lots of memories..but now im alone again..har3..btol kte orang..hidop mcm roda....dlu mmg ak nak sume bnde cam perfect..but now im realise..bkn sume bnde that we wants will be ours..and like i'm saying before life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful..but,now my life is not wonderful yet..
andai dapat ku undurkan masa...
Laluku pergi meninggalkan dirimu
Tanpa ku duga
Lilin menjadi bara
Gurauanku jadi dilema prasangka
Kau menyangka aku pergi kerna dia
Yang tak pernah wujud dalam alam cinta
Belum sempat ku jernihkan suasana
Engkau pula yang hilang
Entah ke mana
Puas sudah ku mencari
Ku tinggalkan pesan
Ku kirimkan berita
Agar dapatku temui dirimu
Umpama sebutir permata yang sirna
Andai dapat
Ku undurkan putaran dunia
Inginku ubah semula kata
Dan tingkahlakuku yang salah
Agar kita dapat seiring
Di mercu asmara
Tak ingin lagi
Dan tak mahu lagi berpisah
Bukan dengan kerelaan hati
Penyesalan yang tiada kesudahan
Ku tersepit dalam jerat sendiri
Ku imbas kembali waktu bersama
Segala kenangan silam
Bagai berlalu semalam
Hujan membasahi kita
Ku rasa bagai tangisan gembira
Dan burung bagai menyanyi
Lagu cinta
Kini hanyalah tinggal kenangan
Tiada ku rasa dalam genggaman
Hanya terdaya mengimbas semua
Kenangan yang lalu
Tiada kata ucapan di bibir
Tak ku sangka kali terakhir kini
KAu tidak akan kembali lagi
Sejenak ku tersedar pilu
Hanya bayanganmu yang menemaniku
Tapi apakan daya
Tuhan penentu segalanya
Kesal rasa hatiku
Kerna kali terakhir kita bertemu
Tiada ku lafazkan oh kata cinta